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How Are Best Video Marketing Tools Going To Help You Out In Your Marketing?

Video marketing is something that you can see is the demand of the time, and you cannot make your business to reach new heights if you are not considering video …


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How To Dress Like a Professional Working Man

In the professional world, looking the part is every bit as important as acting the part. Men have to dress to impress in order to get attention and respect in …

How to Achieve the Perfect Tan with Bronzing Powder


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Earn Up to 12 College Credits by Taking the CLEP Foreign Language Exam

Many college students look for various ways to save money on their tuition costs. Non-traditional options such as credit by exam, can provide students with a large amount of credit …

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Bad News Bears: Chester Taylor Leaves Minnesota for Chi-Town

Oh no. No, no. This is not good at all. Chester Taylor, our stalwart running back, has departed for Bears country. Uh-oh.
The latest news: the Chicago Bears have picked up Taylor, tight end Brandon Manumaluena, and the very talented defensive end Julius Peppers (thank you, Mike Tice – the former Vikings head coach is now the offensive line coach for the Bears). As our team is slowly dismantled during the off-season – and we knew this was going to happen, by the way – we’re left wondering if they’re keeping the right folks. I trust Childress only as far as I can throw him (and though I’ve been working out regularly, I don’t think I could heft him), and I’m feeling like he’s making some bad choices right now. Really bad. Almost as bad as twelve men in the huddle. Personally, I would have liked to see Adrian Peterson pack his bags after the way that he’s played this past year, but unfortunately, we’re losing the one running back that we can count on to get us that next first down instead.

And the worst part? We’re losing him to our own division. Chicago. They’re already tough to play, but now they’ve taken one of our most reliable guys and added him to their ranks. First I lose my friend Julie to Chicago, and now I’ve lost Chester Taylor. What’s next – Joe Mauer to the White Sox?

Just kidding.

To be clear, I completely understand why Taylor has decided that the Bears are a better option for him, especially at this point in his career. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Taylor sat down with his agent and went through all the possible scenarios, and decided that Chicago was the best fit – both money-wise and for playing time. Since Adrian Peterson has burst onto the scene, Taylor hasn’t had the opportunity to start (which is a shame); rather, the past year-and-a-half, he’s been cleaning up Peterson’s messes with virtually no recognition or reward. And on top of it, the guy is 30 – who knows how much longer he’s going to be able to play? Running backs have notoriously short careers due to their high-impact positions, so I can imagine that Taylor wants to get in as much playing time as he can before he’s forced to retire.

So, what does this all mean for us? It means that Adrian Peterson sure better get his act together before next season, or we’re going to be in big trouble. I just hope that this doesn’t sway Brett Favre towards retirement, seeing as how we don’t really have another viable option for quarterback.

Oh, wait – we can sign an unrestricted free agent now, so I guess we do have another option. Let’s just hope that Taylor’s departure is worth what we get in return.

A Review Of The Spine-Worx Realignment Device

I suffered with back pain for most of my life. When I got in my 20’s, I decided to go see a chiropractor, who told me that I had curvature of the spine from a previous fall. The chiropractor assured me that although my spine was curved, it could be fixed. The chiropractor explained a series of adjustments we would go through to correct the problem. After a few months, I felt better than I ever had in my life. I was cured!

The problem was that I had to keep going to see the chiropractor each week to keep up my newly found spinal alignment. I had to pay a 25 dollar co-pay at each appointment. When I was laid off later that year, I had no choice but to stop going to see the chiropractor. It wasn’t long before my backaches started to return. That’s when I came across a product called Spine-Worx.

Spine-Worx is an at-home product which was designed by a chiropractor. It is a plastic board which you lay on when you are flat on the floor. The weight of your body presses against the board, which features a curved area. The weight of your body is supposed to naturally align your spine back to the way it is supposed to be in.

I was very skeptical when I first read about Spine-Worx, but it was much less expensive than going to the chiropractor, especially now that I had no insurance, so I decided to give it a try. I ordered one online at Amazon and in about 4 days, it was sitting in a box on my front porch.

I tried it right away. The first time I used it, it felt kind of uncomfortable as I was laying on it, because the pressure of my spine felt awkward on the board. The directions did mention that it would take several weeks of use before you could expect to see significant results. I kept using the board each day, and each day it felt more and more comfortable. Finally, I did experience a significant improvement in my back pain.

Ultimately, I found that the Spine-Worx board did produce results for me. When I got a new job with benefits, I did return to the chiropractor, and now see the chiropractor occasionally for adjustments. However, the Spine-Worx board is great if you cannot afford the chiropractor, or if you experience discomfort between sessions. In my experience, Spine-Worx is probably most useful as a supplement to chiropractic care, and not as a replacement.

There are several limitations to using Spine-Worx. The manufacturer’s website states that the board is not meant to be used for those under 16 or 17 years old, as their skeletal development is not yet complete. The board is meant for mid and lower back alignment, and not cervical (neck adjustments).

Overall, I was very pleased with Spine-Worx. And it may provide some much needed comfort for those who cannot afford to see the chiropractor often, or at all. I know that I will be keeping my Spine-Worx board around for a long time

Finding A Social Media “Home” Which Provides Great Safety Features As Well As More Reliable

If you’re posting everything you write to five, six, eight, a dozen or more social media websites, you’re not focusing your efforts effectively and you’re probably risking being restricted or banned from the communities you use. There are a very few individuals capable of participating constructively, authentically and prolifically in numerous communities. However, that level of use takes several hours every day to maintain. If you’re only able to dedicate a few minutes to an hour or two each day to social media, your best strategy is to focus on one or two sites.

Your Social Media Home

To narrow your focus and increase your effectiveness, start by selecting one favorite site where you’ll strive to be a user valuable to everyone in the community. If you’re already much more active on one website than any other, stick with that community. Unless, of course, you no longer enjoy using that tool. Never continue participating in a social media community you don’t enjoy.

Your social media home should be a website that you love operating, in sense of having great following. Considering some of the famous social media platforms which is really beneficial for free followers oninstagram can be great, if you find yourself clicking over to a site in your browser every time you log onto the computer, if you find yourself posting there instead of doing work or chores, if you are tempted to check in even when you’re on vacation or taking a day off, you’ve found the right site. Ask yourself if you’d post on a particular site even if you had never started writing content that you need to promote. If the answer is “of course,” that’s your social media home.

Contributing to Your Favorite Community

So you’ve found your social media home–now what?

Start contributing to the success of the community as much as possible. Learn the terms of use and unwritten social norms. Help new users by conveying those items to them gently and constructively. Post links that you know others in the community would like to see. No more than one in five of your posts should be your own content. Some social media communities prohibit even self-promotion that is minimal and relevant to the community’s interests. Know the rules and follow them. If the rules of a community prohibit what you want to do, find another site that you love just as much where you don’t have to worry about “getting caught” posting occasional, relevant links to your content.

It’s easy to find links other than your own that are relevant to a particular site. Spend time observing the most popular links on the site and find new content that’s similar. It’s as easy as that. Whether your favorite community likes funny pictures, breaking news, in-depth business analysis or something else, there’s plenty of it on the internet, and every time you post something people love you’re adding value to the community.