Dooney Bourke captures this season’s hottest trend in a magnificent designer handbag collection perfect for fall. The New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection features rich colors, stylish designs, and classic plaid patterns. As you read Luxurytastic review you will find that there are various other more affordable options that you can check out. The designer bags that you will find there will be equally good in terms of quality. However, if you have already decided about your designer bag then here are a few of the newest handbags from the New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection.
New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection: Tartan Carla Handbag
Show off your stylish flair in the New Dooney Bourke Tartan Carla handbag. This attractive handbag has a huge inside zip pocket for all your extra belongings, four inside pockets, handy cell phone pocket, zipper closure, medium leather handle, bold red lining, bottom leather material, all over plaid design, Dooney Bourke front leather plate, side leather tassels, and signature Dooney Bourke hanging logo. The New Dooney Bourke Tartan Carla handbag is made of fabric with leather detail and is available in the colors navy, white or red.
New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection: Tartan Victoria Handbag
Be a trendsetter in the new Dooney Bourke Tartan Victoria handbag. This classy and striking designer handbag has a convenient cell phone pocket, snap closure, medium leather strap handle, bold red lining, Dooney Bourke front leather plate, center zip divider pocket, roomy one inside zip pocket, four inside pockets, allover plaid design, hanging leather tassels, bottom leather detail and Dooney Bourke signature hanging logo tag. The New Dooney Bourke Tartan Victoria handbag is made of fabric with leather detail and is available in colors red, white or navy.
New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection: Tartan Pouchette Handbag
Add a little polished plaid style to your fall wardrobe with the New Dooney Bourke Tartan Pouchette handbag. This cute and sassy designer handbag has a zipper closure at the top for easy access, two inside pockets, vibrant red lining material, medium leather strap handle, front Dooney Bourke leather plaque, one inside zip pocket, cell phone pocket, Dooney Bourke signature hanging logo tag, all over plaid design and bottom leather detail. The New Tartan Pouchette handbag is made of fabric with leather detail and is available in the colors navy, white or red.
New Dooney Bourke Tartan Women’s Designer Handbag Collection: Tartan Betty Handbag
Look pretty and absolutely gorgeous in the New Dooney Bourke Tartan Betty handbag. This charming and cute designer handbag has a medium leather strap handle, two side leather tassels, bold red lining material, cell phone pocket, one inside zip pocket, zipper closure, two inside pockets, Dooney Bourke front leather plaque, center zip divider pocket, all over plaid design, bottom leather detail and Dooney Bourke signature hanging logo tag. The New Dooney Bourke Tartan Betty handbag is made of fabric with leather detail and is available in the colors red, white or navy.