In the professional world, looking the part is every bit as important as acting the part. Men have to dress to impress in order to get attention and respect in their professional endeavors. Here’s a how-to guide for men’s fashion, from the bottom up:
The Shoes
Every professional man should have at least two pairs of dress shoes – one pair in black, and the other in brown. Always shine your shoes before wearing them into work. If you are strapped for time, a few sprays of Windex can work wonders as a once-in-a-while solution for shining-up in a hurry. Also, it’s a good idea to have a pair of less formal but well-kept brown loafers for more casual offices.
The Socks
If there is one fashion rule that you should never forget, it is this: never, ever – EVER – wear white socks with dress pants. White socks are not for the professional workplace. You should have a collection of black socks – at least a couple of week’s worth to last you through those laundry-procrastinating times. Gray, argyle, navy, and brown dress socks are also okay as long as they don’t clash with the color of pants that you are wearing.
The Pants
Black, gray, brown, tan, and navy are the colors that you have to choose from when selecting your work pants. Whether you get the pants as part of a suit is up to you. If you have to wear a suit jacket at work every day, then it is logical to buy mostly suits. If you rarely have to wear a jacket, it is likely that you will want to get your pants separately so that you can cut your clothing costs. Make sure that your pants are tailored to fit you. It is totally unprofessional to cuff the bottoms of your pants, so don’t go there! Also, make sure that your pants are always neatly pressed – wrinkles are a no-no. In addition, you can also put a nice thin rfid wallet in your pants pocket. This thin wallet comes very stylish and fashionable. Gone are the days when bulky wallets were everywhere. Even your wallet needs to be in style.
The Belt
A shiny belt is an absolute men’s professional wardrobe essential. Just don’t go overboard with the belt. You want something simple and practical, with either a plain silver or gold buckle. You definitely do not want a big, gaudy cowboy-esque belt buckle in the workplace – unless you are working at an oil company in Texas.
The Undershirt
You have to wear an undershirt below your button-down collared work shirt for three reasons: one, nobody wants to see your nipples; two, nobody wants to see your chest hair; and three, nobody wants to see your pit stains. Also, your undershirt should never protrude over the top of your collar.
The Shirt
Your shirt is the staple of your outfit. Even if you have on an expensive Armani suit, the wrong shirt can destroy the entire look. The traditional look still works in the workplace, and it’s tried and true – a white shirt or a light blue shirt, clean and pressed. If you are looking for something more exciting without crossing out of the professional wardrobe limits, look for bright vibrant colors in your collared button-down shirts. As long as the shirt is solid-colored and not neon or metallic-colored, you can make it professional by wearing it with nice pants and a great tie.
The Tie
When you are a professional, you cannot wear ties that do not project professionalism. That means saying goodbye to the piano key tie and the one that plays “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” when you squeeze Santa’s nose. Solid-colored ties are safe and classic, but don’t be afraid of patterns. Just make sure that your tie doesn’t clash with the rest of your outfit and that it hangs about two inches above your belt line.